Bones and scraps from 2 legs of lamb
2 med. carrots, roughly chopped
2 med. onions, roughly chopped
Salt and pepper
2 lg. celery stalks, chopped
4 lg. cloves of garlic, smashed
1 bay leaf (imported)
1/2 tsp. rosemary

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place bones, carrots, and onions in roasting pan and brown 30 minutes, stirring twice. Drain off fat and transfer bones and vegetables into stock pot. De-glaze roasting pan (this is accomplished by adding a little water to the pan and simmering on top of the stove while scraping pan with a wooden spoon to release the coagulated juices into the liquid). Add to stock pot with the bones. Add cold water to cover and bring to simmer. Skim off the grey froth for several minutes. Add salt, pepper, celery, garlic, bay leaf, and rosemary. Cover loosely and simmer 3 to 4 hours. (While simmering; it may become necessary to add a little water to keep the bones covered). Strain and de-grease.


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