3-4 apples
4 tsp. butter
1/4 c. sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
4-6 pork chops

Grease a 13 inch by 3 1/2 inch baking pan. Slice apples into 1/2 to 1 inch round slices. Place sliced apples in baking pan. Melt butter and drizzle over apples. Mix cinnamon and sugar; sprinkle over apples.

Place pork chops on top of apples and cover pan with foil. Bake 1 hour in preheated 350 degree oven. Serves 4-6.

recipe reviews
Baked Pork Chops with Apples
 Corinne (Ohio) says:
Best pork chops I ever made. No applesauce necessary for this one. Funny thing, the day I decided to make them, my oven broke, so I lit up the outdoor grill and baked them in there for 45 minutes (heat was a little higher than my oven) PERFECT!
 Jedn Bordon (Iowa) says:
Delicious. I added raisins and cut the apples into chunks so they'd be easier to eat with the chops. My grandmother used to make pork chops with 1/4 apple on each. I think I like this better. I felt the chops looked a little anemic, so took them out of the oven at 45 minutes, sprayed a large frying pan with cooking spray and very briefly browned the chops on both sides. I then added the rest of the contents from the 9x13 pan in order to reduce and thicken the liquid a bit before serving. Most other recipes like this one indicate pan frying 1st and then finish baking in the oven for 1/2 hour.
 Cary Samuelson (Washington) replies:
Yes, nothing worse than an anemic looking pork chop, lol. :)


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