1/2 lb. of beef kidney
1/2 lb. of beef heart
3 tbsp of paprika
2 tbsp of chili powder
1/4 cooking oil
salt to taste

Have your butcher grind kidney and heart.

Start by mixing all ingredients except oil in an adequately sized sauce pan. Since meat is very dry, slowly add oil before turning on heat.

Mix well over medium heat, and allow to simmer on low heat for about 45 min. May need to add more oil, since you do not want mixture to "fry dry".

I always use a Vienna hot dog (Koegel's are the best), Coney Sauce, diced onions, and mustard top the bun.

Can't get this in a resturant except in Flint, MI.

Submitted by: Kathryn Von Gethicker

recipe reviews
Flint's Original Coney Sauce
 Ray saxton (Texas) says:
this is good but something is missing. I am from Flint and have had Flints Orignal Plenty of times when I was Young. I added 1/2 can Tomato paste and 1/2 can water, cooked in. much better.
 Zeke (Michigan) says:
Having grown up in Flint. Having made sauce many times, use some ground chuck also, forget the oil. Add much cumin to taste. Friends worked at Kogel's, Short Viennas, called NUBINS were sent to the Coney island restaurants by the box also. Very small chopped onion was always a trademark of Flint Original Coney Island (formerly next to the Flint River on Saginaw St in downtown Flint). $ .30 as a kid, my mother remembered $.05.


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