Results 1 - 10 of 24 for mint julep

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Crush mint leaves and sugar in a 12 ounce glass. Fill with cracked ice and whiskey. Stir until glass frosts. Decorate with mint sprig.

Crush mint leaves and sugar in 12 ... cracked ice and add 1-1/2 jiggers (2-1/4 oz.) Whiskey. Stir until glass frosts. Decorate with sprigs of mint.

Crush mint leaves and sugar in 12 ... goblet frosts. Decorate with sprigs of mint. Note: All bourbons are whiskey but not all whiskeys are bourbon!

Boil sugar and water ten ... strained lemon juice, mint leaves bruised, and ginger ale; ... crushed ice, and julep, and garnish with a sprig of mint.

Want to enjoy your big ... a bagful of mint, wash it and leave ... fix the mint juleps - aren't we having them ... leftovers unless you hide it.

Combine water and sugar in ... low, add chopped mint leaves and simmer 30 minutes. ... overnight. Strain. Fill julep cups with crushed ice. Combine ... Yields 7 1/2 cups.

Boil sugar and water 3 ... juice and crushed mint leaves. Let stand until cold. ... immediately with a sprig of mint in each tall glass. Serves 6.

Boil water and sugar for ... jar of uncrushed mint. Cap and refrigerate 12 to 24 hours. Make 1 julep at a time by filling ... add 2 ounces bourbon.

Crush sprig of mint. Place sugar in goblet ... hands away from goblet as much as possible. Garnish with mint and serve when goblet is frosted.

Boil sugar and water 10 ... Add lemon juice, mint leaves and ginger ale. Fill ... full with crushed ice and julep. Garnish with a sprig of mint.

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