1917 WAR CAKE 
2 c. brown sugar
2 c. hot water
4 tbsp. shortening
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. cloves
1 tsp. allspice
1 c. raisins

Boil above mixture for 5 minutes. Allow to cool. Add 3 cups flour and 2 teaspoons soda dissolved in 1 tablespoon of hot water. Bake in 2 greased and floured loaf pans at 350 degrees for 1 1/4 hours.

Note: This cake has no eggs as they were scarce at that time.

recipe reviews
1917 War Cake
 Randy rohloff (New York) says:
I've placed third a chef teton in the International Quaphers and Cloves are such obscure references that I actually lost a final crepe suzette competition when I grated the clove instead of mincing it. I sympathize with Jessica.
 Cooks.com replies:
Hi Randy,

Cloves, when used in baked goods, are best used ground (as in a spice grinder or mortar or to infuse the liquids in the recipe, then strained out. They are a relatively common aromatic ingredient used in baking cakes and cookies, flavoring roast ham and pork, stewed fruits, in relishes, preserves, pickles, spicy mulled hot drinks (ciders and wines), ketchup, and in mixed spices.

A well stocked spice shelf should include whole cloves; if you don't plan to grind your own spices, then ground cloves should also be on your shelf! Discard cloves after a year on the shelf (or add to a potpourri bag), since it may lose flavoring and aromatic properties.

-- CM

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