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It often happens in warm weather, with even a limited milk supply, that some of it gets sour before it can be used. This sour milk should never be wasted, even if there is only a little. It is a valuable kitchen asset. Have a clean glass to pour the remnants in, and keep it in the fridge until enough has accumulated to make from a half to one cup. Then plan to use it as soon as it thickens, for milk becomes bitter if it stands too long.
In the following recipes all soda measurements should be level and exact.
1 cup corn-meal. 1 cup Graham flour. 1/3 cup molasses. 1 2/3 cups thick sour milk. 1 teaspoon soda. 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Sift the meal and flour before measuring. Dissolve soda in a little hot water, add to milk. Combine wet and dry materials, pour into greased mold (leaving room for bread to rise), cover with greased cover, and steam four hours. Take off cover and bake in oven half an hour. This will make one loaf.
2 cups flour. 1 tablespoon shortening. 1 cup thick sour milk. 1/4 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon soda.
Sift the flour, salt, and soda well together. Rub in the shortening with a spoon. Add the milk and stir lightly. The dough should be soft. Drop by spoonfuls into greased muffin-tins and bake in a hot oven about twenty minutes.
1 cup thick sour milk. 1/2 cup any cooked grain cereal. 1 egg. About 3/4 cup flour. 1/2 teaspoon soda. 1/8 teaspoon salt.
Beat sour milk, cereal, and egg well together. Sift flour and salt and add them. When ready to bake the cakes add the soda and beat the batter vigorously. It should look like thick cream. If too thin add a little more flour, and if too thick add more sour milk or a little water.
1 cup thick sour milk. 1/2 cup dried currants. 1/2 teaspoon soda. 1/4 teaspoon salt. 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. About 2 cups flour, and enough more to roll.
Sift the flour, soda, salt, and cinnamon together; add the currants. Stir in the milk quickly. The dough should be stiff enough to roll out. Cut into narrow strips and fry in hot fat. These are good with coffee.
1 cup corn-meal (scant). 1/2 cup flour. 1 egg, well beaten. 1 cup thick sour milk. 1/2 teaspoon soda. 1 tablespoon sugar. 1 tablespoon melted beef dripping or chicken fat. 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Dissolve soda in hot water, put with sour milk. Sift and mix dry materials; add egg, milk, and shortening. Bake in muffin-tins half an hour. A little sour cream, if at hand, may be substituted for some of the milk. In that case omit shortening.
Cook one pint of thick sour milk in double boiler over simmering water until it begins to whey. Strain through fine napkin, squeeze out the whey, and add three teaspoons of cream, a little salt, and white pepper. Make into small balls. This amount makes four or five.
To three pints of thick sour milk add one pint of boiling or very hot water. Let stand half an hour, pour off water, and put curd in small bag to drain. Add salt, a little soft butter, and cream if at hand.
1/2 cup butter. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup thick sour milk 3/4 teaspoon soda. 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. 1/2 teaspoon clove. Salt. 2 cups flour; enough more to roll out.
Cream butter and sugar. Dissolve soda in hot water and add to milk. Mix all together, making soft dough. Use as little extra flour as possible. Chill dough, and use only small portion at a time. Roll out thin, sprinkle a little granulated sugar and two or three currants on top. Bake in hot oven.
1 cup thick sour milk. 1/2 cup molasses. 1 cup Graham flour. 1/4 teaspoon salt. 1 cup wheat flour. 1/2 teaspoon baking-powder. 1 teaspoon soda.
Sift Graham and wheat flour and measure. Add baking-powder and salt; sift again. Dissolve soda in hot water, add to sour milk, and mix with molasses. Combine wet and dry mixtures, bake in bread-pan one and one-half hours. This will make one loaf.
1 scant cup molasses. 1/2 cup thick sour milk. 4 tablespoons melted shortening. 2 cups flour. 1 egg. 4 tablespoons cocoa. 1 teaspoon ginger. 1/2 teaspoon soda 1/8 teaspoon salt.
Mix molasses, sour milk, and beaten egg well together, and add cocoa, ginger, salt and flour. Dissolve the soda in very little hot water and add it. Beat in the melted shortening last. Bake in a shallow pan or muffin-tins in a moderate oven about twenty-five minutes.
Sweeten and chill a cupful of sour cream. Whip it, keeping it cold while doing so, and when stiff fold in a cup of chopped nuts. This is excellent for layer cakes. If for any reason the cream does not become stiff, add one teaspoonful of melted gelatin and chill.
1 cup sour cream. 1 cup sugar. 1 egg, well beaten. 1 teaspoon soda. 1 cup raisins, chopped and floured. Sprinkling of salt (if needed). 2 cups bread flour. 1/2 teaspoon vanilla. 2 teaspoons grated nutmeg. 2 teaspoons cinnamon. 1 teaspoon allspice. 1/2 teaspoon clove.
Mix all together, adding to sour cream the soda dissolved in a little hot water. Bake as a loaf for one hour, or in muffin-tins.
Mix equal quantities of sour cream, chopped nuts and raisins. Add a little lemon-juice and powdered sugar.